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Beat the bloat for good: Five sneaky reasons you might be feeling bloated this summer

Feeling bloated is the worst, especially in the heat and humidity of the summer! You deserve to feel your best.


This month we’re exploring 5 surprising causes of bloat you might not know about, and simple solutions to get you feeling lighter and energized so you can enjoy some summer fun.


We all know the usual suspects for bloating: hormonal cycles, overeating, gas-producing foods, high fat foods, and/or food intolerances. But what if the culprit is something else entirely?


Here are 5 sneaky reasons you might be bloated, and how to start ditching the puff:


1)    Eating too quickly: We’ve all been there - scarfing down lunch on the run. But rushing through meals can lead to swallowing air, and overeating, before your brain registers fullness.  Guilty 🙋🏻‍♀️


Simple fixes: Slow down! Sit at a table, chew one bite at a time, and put your fork down between bites.                     


2)    Fiber: Too little fiber can cause consistipation and bloating, but too much too soon can also lead to uncomfortable bloating.


Sweet spot: Aim for ~25 g of fiber daily, increase gradually and drink plenty of water (see #3 below!) to keep things moving smoothly. If you consume lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains and/or beans, you’ll be well on your way to hitting your fiber goal.


3)    Not drinking enough water (aka dehydration!): Those fancy water bottles aren’t just accessories! We all get caught up, forgetting to refill our well-intentioned water bottles. Dehydration slows digestion and leads to bloat.


Hydration check: Aim for ~80 fluid ounces daily (pale yellow urine is your best indicator).

Side note: while seltzers are a great way to hydrate, be aware that the carbonation can also   

increase risk of bloating. 


4)    Sneaky sweeteners: Artificial sweeteners like those used in sugar free candies, gums, baked goods and/or beverages can wreak havoc on your gut.


Be mindful: limit sugar-free products (even my beloved diet soda!) and see if your bloat improves.    

5)    Straws and gum: Believe it or not, straws and chewing gum may cause you to swallow air, which can lead to bloating.      


Ditch the straw: Sorry to say, consider opting out or reducing your usage of straws and gum chewing.


Simple Changes, Big Difference    


Feeling bloated is a drag, especially in the summer heat. But with these five simple tips—eating slower, balancing your fiber intake, staying hydrated, cutting back on artificial sweeteners, and ditching the straw—you can start feeling better fast.      


I’m Tracey, a Health Coach and Registered Dietitian with a PhD in Nutrition. I help women like you troubleshoot and create personalized solutions so you feel your best.


Feeling lost and frustrated? That’s where I come in! I can help you identify the root cause of your bloating and create a plan to ditch the bloat for good. Schedule a private session to get started. This summer is a great time to try health coaching - I’m offering single sessions so you can dip your toe in the water (no long-term commitment). Feeling lighter and more energized is just an email away: email me today at to schedule your session.


Disclaimer: chronic bloating and digestive discomfort can also be caused by underlying health conditions, like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and gastroparesis (aka slow digestion). Be sure to visit your physician if chronic bloating, digestive discomfort and/or diarrhea or constipation persists.

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